The Easternmost House

By Juliet Blaxland A Graph Review

Paperback, mine priced at £9.99.     Published 2018 by Sandstone Press
244 pages, with b&w photographs and one line drawing.

‘Contents’ Containing:  Influences, the twelve months and a Tailpiece

Moving smoothly from beach combing, collecting orange buoys to whirlwinds, to sandstorms and natures ways of changing sand/land patterns to murmurations of those taking photographs of said murmurations of starlings, to  brindle greyhounds and camouflage, leading to bitterns (not being seen.) All in a few beautifully written pages in ‘March.’ This being a brief summation of the style of Juliet Blaxland in ‘The Easternmost House.’

Admittedly you must love the luxury of detail of life and all that exists in and around a landscape on the edge of a sea-savaged, soft-cliffed, coast. Suffolk, of course, is the particular but you will be charmed wherever you come from.
A remarkable writer using a monthly calendar to give a glorious use of personal memory and visual description of the year in Suffolk.

Words flow like coloured ribbons and you need to accept the seeming wayward amble they take you. For they take you to the heart of living and nature.

The quote on the cover by 
John Lewis-Stempel: ‘Destined to be a 21st century classic. Just brilliant.’
Agreed! No more to say!