Promoting Fundamental British Values, A Graph Review

Promoting fundamental British values in the early years 

A Graph Review.  55 to 65, sensible and concise for Early Years requirements

By Marianne Sargent

fund-brit-val-coverPublisher:  Practical Pre-School Press

A4 paperback.   £19.99.    978 190928095 3.           Colour illus.,  text boxes

(Available post free from: Books Education website )

This is not in the regions of my usual reviewing but having attended a conference for a wide range of Nursery/Early Years practitioners I was made aware of the need and practical usefulness of this title as it seems to be the first at this level.  In fact students and NQTs that I spoke with were quite fulsome in their praise for many other titles from this publisher.  The main appreciation was for their concise explanation and often practical suggestions on activities.  It was pointed out that lecturers often considered their lack of depth a failing as a text-book (I assume for essays etc and as a reference) but few complaints as a practical ‘assistant’ to student’s work placing some.  On the hand I do know that various titles are recommended as student texts.

The other series and themes seem to cover all aspects of Early Years care and education, especially  focussing on Government and Ofsted requirements.

Enough of an overview, this title may seem a little long-winded but it is what is needed for today and has the easily followed text and layouts established in other recent titles.  There seems to be one other title recently available.

Written because of the importance of the Common Inspection Framework (Ofsted, 2015a) regarding safeguarding and actively promoting British values this book summarises the background reasons, outlines legal responsibilities of early years providers and explains the implications for safeguarding, child protection and curriculum delivery.

The contents explains the different headings of requirements and progresses. With many activity ideas, suggestions of techniques in helping the children progress both in points of text and chart form. There are numerous, brief, case studies throughout. Most importantly, perhaps, are three pages noting what Ofsted look for when visiting this subject area and a ‘Fulfilling the Prevent Duty’ checklist for nursery to run through.   Plus, of course a page and more of additional usable resources for each key heading and a list of References.  Various colour plates and the A4 page layouts design makes for ease of view and reading, dispelling any heavy ‘textbook’ feel.

Headings in contents list:

Introduction / The Prevent duty / Defining fundamental British values and the EYFS / For society but also for the Individual / Democracy / Rule of law / Individual liberty / Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs / The Prevent duty and your Ofsted inspection / Fulfilling the Prevent duty checklist / Resources / References

It is a useful handbook giving the reasons, requirements for Ofsted and how to approach and attain them in a reasonable, understandable and concise fashion. I do feel rather sad that an ‘official’ system is required but such is our society that developing a mutual understanding of society, culture and gender from an early age is no bad thing; indeed vital in our British multicultural islands.

By the same author and publisher: a companion title full of ideas and help in planning relevant activities that support the ‘learning’ requirements:

active-brit-values-cover Actively promoting British values in the EYFS ( Due Sept 2016, price £9.99) This is a practical planning resource that looks at core British values and shows how they can be actively promoted in the setting and meet the requirements of the new Common Inspection Framework.

It includes up to 16 fully planned activities, four for each value, key questions, discussion points and links to the curriculum, and a checklist and example observation document.  These build up the suggestions and ideas in the previous title so would make life easier for the nursery/school day.

Activities include: Giant jigsaw; Catch the dragon s tail; Taking ownership; Safe passage; Rule of law; On the road; Scribbling feelings; Dilemma!; Beanbag catch; Individual liberty; We’ve all got talent!; A problem shared; Provoking a reaction; Woodland creations; Mutual respect and tolerance; Story wall; Symbolic art; Same difference; Where in the world?

Books available via Books Education with free postage and  Norfolk Childrens Centre,  plus other booksellers.

subject: education

When Paris Sizzled by Mary McAuliffe

When Paris Sizzled

The 1920s Paris of Hemingway, Chanel, Cocteau, Cole Porter, Josephine Baker, and Their Friends

Mary McAuliffe

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

344 pages    • illustrated       978-1-4422-5332-2    • Hardback when-paris-sizzled-cover

due(UK) 1st November  2016    • £19.95

When Paris Sizzled vividly portrays the City of Light during the fabulous 1920s, les Annees folles, when Parisians emerged from the horrors of war to find that a new world greeted them-one that reverberated with the hard metallic clang of the assembly line, the roar of automobiles, and the beat of jazz.

Mary McAuliffe traces a decade that saw seismic change on almost every front, from art and architecture to music, literature, fashion, entertainment, transportation, and, most notably, behavior. The epicenter of all this creativity, as well as of the era’s good times, was Montparnasse, where impoverished artists and writers found colleagues and cafes, and tourists discovered the Paris of their dreams. Major figures on the Paris scene-such as Gertrude Stein, Jean Cocteau, Picasso, Stravinsky, Diaghilev, and Proust-continued to hold sway, while others now came to prominence-including Ernest Hemingway, Coco Chanel, Cole Porter, and Josephine Baker, as well as Andre Citroen, Le Corbusier, Man Ray, Sylvia Beach, James Joyce, and the irrepressible Kiki of Montparnasse. Paris of the 1920s unquestionably sizzled. Yet rather than being a decade of unmitigated bliss, les Annees folles also saw an undercurrent of despair as well as the rise of ruthless organizations of the extreme right, aimed at annihilating whatever threatened tradition and order-a struggle that would escalate in the years ahead.

Through rich illustrations and evocative narrative, Mary McAuliffe brings this vibrant era to life.

Okay!      I’ve cheated by not reading When Paris Sizzled yet!  But I will as soon as I can get my hnds on a copy.

If you have read Dawn of the Belle Epoque, followed by Twilight of the Belle Epoque, then this third title on the explosion of so many creative arts based in Paris, indeed you might say a small quarter of Paris, into a New Century is a rush that can’t be missed.

I say ‘rush’ advisedly because her style of cramming twili-belle-epoque-picdetails of all and any creatives or supporters and contacts as well as the humdrum and ‘politics’, creates a swirl of energy that cannot be ignored.  Darker elements that always have their influences always find their place too.  Nothing is ignored, nor would you want to miss anything from snippets of minor meetings and comments to major events.

Thus were her previous titles and here I have just as great expectations for When Paris Sizzled.